
Blogging Trends for 2020 You Should Know About

  When looking at blogging trends for upcoming years, it’s more about seeing what things will continue to be important rather than adopting completely new things. Blogging trends are more about knowing what works and improving upon those things. In this article, we’ll look at the most important blogging trends you should know about in 2020. You might already be doing some of these while some others you might not have started with yet. We’ll not only put these trends on your radar, but we’ll give you direction on how to get started with each one. Let’s get to it! 1. Follow a Content Marketing Plan With Topic Clusters Blogging might only be one of the branches of a marketing plan, but it sure is an important one.  Creating blog posts  without a set plan isn’t going to cut it anymore, especially if you want to be successful at it. With a content marketing plan, your blog can have goals, an order, and a system. When you create blog posts according to a plan with topic clusters, not only yo

The 8 Practical Blogging Trends You Really Need to Follow in 2020

  Blogs can be extremely powerful lead generators. So powerful that B2B companies that have a blog report   67% more leads   that those who do not. That’s because of the social media and Google phenomenon as people might not be talking about brands daily but they do at least a dozen searches per day, share viable articles with their friends, and discuss the trending topics. Many brands have become market leaders because they’ve managed to establish their blogs as industry-leading knowledge sources.  HubSpot  and  Moz  are great examples of this, as the companies’ blogs have become a place where marketers go to check on the latest trends or research a particular topic. Blogging has become such an essential part of  every marketing strategy . Did you know that websites with a blog  tend to have 434% more  indexed pages? Another helpful data is that blogs have been rated as the  5th most trustworthy source for gathering online information . A survey by OrbitMedia researched the biggest ch

2 Secrets You Should Know Before You Take the PTE Exam

  It has now been a couple of months since I took the   PTE exam   for the second time, but I still find myself thinking about it quite a lot. It’s not so much a test as an experience— one I am not likely to forget anytime soon! My PTE adventure was a bit of an emotional roller-coaster (read about how  I failed the PTE   and then got a   PTE 90 ), and in the end, I took away two very important lessons. I would like to share them with you here because I think they’re important to consider before you go in. I sure wish I had known them before I wrote the PTE exam for the first time! Would you like to receive a  free  PTE study timetable and an online course recommendation from E2Language? Fill out the form below and we’ll email you with a free study timetable to suit your needs AND our recommendation for the right E2Language PTE preparation course for you! PTE Exam Secret #1: You can’t just “wing it” The first time I took the PTE exam, I assumed that as a  native speaker  I could just “s